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Principal Allison Hawes

406-892-6570 Ext. 3222 /

Principal's Message

Ruder Elementary is a kindergarten through fifth grade school with an enrollment of approximately 550 students. We are located at 1500 12 th Avenue West in Columbia Falls, Montana. As principal of Ruder Elementary, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our school’s web site. 
Ruder Elementary is dedicated to academic excellence and holds high expectations to ensure that each and every student will be successful learners We are committed to creating a safe and positive learning environment where staff and students promote and model responsible, respectful behavior and each student is encouraged to develop his/her potential as a life-long learner. To reach this goal, Ruder Elementary is dedicated to providing the necessary programs to help students meet their greatest potential. We offer intervention programs to assist students in becoming proficient readers. We believe that if children are fluent readers at an early age, they will not only be successful in their learning, but also confident students throughout their academic years. Along with reading intervention, we offer math support for students in third through fifth grade. Students receive small group instruction that focuses more in depth on the skill being taught to ensure that students understand the topic before moving on. Every grade level also receives 30-40 minutes a day of research based intervention or enrichment based on individual needs.
In order to determine intervention needs, students receive regular benchmark assessments to establish their level of skill and receive instruction that best meets their individual learning levels. We progress monitor students on a regular basis to ensure that students are making adequate academic growth. We also provide extended studies opportunities for our high performing students. These activities promote project based learning as well as advanced academic support.
Along with academic excellence, Ruder Elementary is also committed to the social and emotional needs of our students. We offer site based counseling and social skills training to help students form positive relationships. We encourage students to be kind and take a stand against bullying. Students hold weekly classroom meetings discussing topics generated by students to help them formulate ways to handle social interactions in a positive productive manner.
Ruder Elementary recognizes that the world is changing around us daily and that technology is a huge part of that. Therefore, we strive to engage students through the use of various means of technology. We offer many software programs that advance academic growth in reading and math as well as provide students with the needed technology to help in their 21 st Century learning opportunities. Students in kindergarten and first grade have access to Ipads and we are currently 1:1 with Chromebooks for our second through fifth grade students. Along with the Ipads and Chromebooks, students have access to STEM projects using OSMOS, Spheros, Lego Robots, and Ozobots.
Ruder Elementary has an involved supportive Parent Teacher Organization. This organization helps our school by providing volunteers, helping on field trips, hosting community events, as well stepping in anytime they see a need. If you would like to learn more about our PTO you can email them at